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Learn Python Dictionaries | Other Data Types in Python
Introduction to Python
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python

1. First Acquaintance with Python
2. Variables and Types in Python
3. Conditional Statements in Python
4. Other Data Types in Python
5. Loops in Python
6. Functions in Python

Python Dictionaries

A dictionary is a data structure that stores values using keys, which can be strings, numbers, tuples, or other immutable types. Dictionaries organize data into key-value pairs, making them a powerful tool for efficient data retrieval.

  • You can use any immutable type as a dictionary key;
  • Tuples can serve as keys, but only if they contain strings, numbers, or other tuples;
  • A dictionary cannot have duplicate keys each key must be unique.
  • Dictionaries are enclosed within curly brackets {}.

If you want to store information about different countries, you can use country names as dictionary keys, with values stored as tuples.

# Create dictionary countries_dict = {'USA': (9629091, 331002651), 'Canada': (9984670, 37742154), 'Germany': (357114, 83783942)} # Printing dictionary print(countries_dict)

You access dictionary values using their keys. If the key is a string as in our example, make sure to enclose it in quotation marks. Similar to indexing lists or tuples, you place the key inside square brackets to fetch the corresponding value.

# Dictionary countries_dict = {'USA': (9629091, 331002651), 'Canada': (9984670, 37742154), 'Germany': (357114, 83783942)} # Information about Canada print(countries_dict["Canada"])
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