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How to use Decorators in Python

How to use Decorators in Python

Mastering Decorators in Python

Andrii Chornyi

by Andrii Chornyi

Data Scientist, ML Engineer

Aug, 2024
12 min read

How to use Decorators in Python


Decorators are a powerful and expressive tool in Python that allows programmers to modify the behavior of a function or class. They are used to wrap another function in order to extend the behavior of the wrapped function, without permanently modifying it. This article will guide you through understanding and using decorators effectively in Python programming.

Understanding Decorators

A decorator in Python is essentially a function that takes another function as an argument and extends its behavior without explicitly modifying it. They are represented by the @ symbol and are placed above the definition of a function you want to decorate.

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Simple Decorator Example

Here’s a basic example of a decorator that prints a statement before and after the execution of a function:

How It Works

When you use the @simple_decorator syntax, you are telling Python to pass the say_hello function to the simple_decorator function, replace say_hello with the wrapper function returned by simple_decorator.

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Define a Decorator Function: The simple_decorator function is defined. This function takes another function func as its argument. This setup is the basis of a decorator, allowing simple_decorator to modify or extend the behavior of func.

  2. Define the Wrapper Function: Inside simple_decorator, another function named wrapper is defined. This wrapper function is where the additional behavior is specified. It does three things:

    • Performs actions before calling the original function (func).
    • Calls the original function (func) itself.
    • Performs another actions after calling the original function.
  3. Return the Wrapper Function: After defining wrapper, simple_decorator returns wrapper. This is crucial because the decorator will replace func with this wrapper function, which includes the additional behavior.

  4. Apply the Decorator: The @simple_decorator syntax above the definition of say_hello function applies the simple_decorator to say_hello. This is equivalent to saying say_hello = simple_decorator(say_hello). This replaces say_hello with the wrapper function returned by simple_decorator.

  5. Execute the Decorated Function: When say_hello() is called, it actually calls the wrapper function, so the final set of actions will look like this:

    • Prints "Something is happening before the function is called."
    • Executes the original say_hello function, which prints "Hello!"
    • Prints "Something is happening after the function is called."

By the end of this process, the say_hello function is enhanced to execute additional statements before and after its original content without modifying the function's internal definition directly. Decorators are a powerful feature in Python, allowing for clean, reusable, and modular code enhancements.

Using Decorators with Arguments

To make decorators more dynamic, you can extend them to accept arguments. Here’s how you can modify a decorator to accept parameters:

The code defines a decorator repeat that takes an argument num_times, specifying how many times the decorated function should be executed. Inside repeat, another function decorator_repeat is defined, which itself defines wrapper. The wrapper function executes the function passed to decorator_repeat (i.e., func) num_times times, capturing the result of the last execution to return it.

The repeat decorator is then applied to the greet function, which simply prints a greeting message. When greet("Alice") is called, the message "Hello Alice" is printed three times due to the decorator effect.

Real-Life Examples

Here are some concrete examples of Python decorators, ranging from simple to more complex applications, to illustrate their usefulness in real-world scenarios:

Example 1: Logging Decorator

A simple logging decorator can be used to log the entry and exit points of functions, which is helpful for debugging and monitoring application flow.

Example 2: Timing Decorator

This decorator measures the execution time of a function, which is valuable for performance testing and optimization.

Example 3: Access Control

A decorator can be used to enforce access control for certain functions, limiting execution based on user roles or permissions.

Example 4: Memoization (Caching)

Memoization is an optimization technique that caches a function's return values so that it does not need to be recomputed for previously processed inputs.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of decorators in Python, enabling them to add functionality like logging, timing, access control, and memoization in a clean and modular way.

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Built-in Decorators

Python includes several built-in decorators like @staticmethod, @classmethod, and @property. These are used in class definitions to alter the way that methods are called.


Decorators are a valuable tool for any Python programmer, allowing for clean, readable, and maintainable code. They provide a flexible way to add functionality to existing functions and methods, enhancing the capabilities of your Python programs.


Q: What is a decorator in Python?
A: A decorator is a design pattern in Python that allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure. Decorators are usually called before the definition of a function you want to decorate.

Q: Can decorators work with methods in a class?
A: Yes, decorators can also be applied to methods in a class. You need to ensure that the decorator takes self or cls into account for instance or class methods, respectively.

Here's an example of how you can use a simple decorator with a class method in Python:

In this example, simple_decorator is used to enhance the greet method of the Greeter class. The decorator adds functionality to print the name of the method being called (greet) every time it is executed. This can be useful for debugging or logging method calls in more complex applications.

Q: How can I pass arguments to a decorated function?
A: To pass arguments to a decorated function, define your decorator to accept *args and **kwargs, which will allow it to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments.

Q: Are there any common use cases for decorators?
A: Common use cases include logging function execution, enforcing access controls and permissions, memoization or caching, and checking or validating arguments passed to a function.

Q: Can I stack multiple decorators on a single function?
A: Yes, you can layer decorators above a single function. Each decorator wraps the function returned by the previous one. The order in which decorators are stacked matters.

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