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Visual Studio Code Set Up for Python Projects

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BackEnd Development

Visual Studio Code Set Up for Python Projects

VSCode Set Up

Anastasiia Tsurkan

by Anastasiia Tsurkan

Backend Developer

Mar, 2024
4 min read


In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, having the right tools at your disposal can significantly enhance productivity and streamline your workflow. Visual Studio Code (VSCode) stands out as a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that can be tailored for Python development, among many other programming languages. This article guides you through the steps to set up and configure VSCode for a Python project, ensuring you have a solid foundation for coding efficiently.

Preparing Your Project Environment

Before diving into the intricacies of VSCode, the initial step involves preparing a dedicated project folder. This folder will house all essential elements, including your Python files, a virtual environment, and any additional packages and modules your project requires. If your project incorporates images or other resources, it's advisable to place these in the root of your folder. However, starting with an empty folder is perfectly fine; you'll have the opportunity to populate it as you progress in VSCode.

Installing VSCode

The journey to a seamless development experience begins with installing VSCode. It's a preferred IDE for many developers due to its user-friendly interface and the plethora of extensions available that cater to a wide array of programming needs. To get started, search for "VSCode downloads" in your preferred web browser, navigate to the official Download page, and select the version compatible with your operating system. Following the download, launch the installer and proceed with the installation process. Once installed, open VSCode, and you'll be greeted by an intuitive interface ready to be customized for your development needs.

Setting Up a Virtual Environment

A cornerstone of Python development is the use of virtual environments. These are isolated environments that allow you to manage dependencies for individual projects without affecting the global Python setup on your system. To set up a virtual environment within VSCode, open the terminal within the IDE and execute the following command:

This command creates a new virtual environment named venv. To activate it, the command varies depending on your operating system. For macOS and Linux, use:

For Windows, the activation command is slightly different:

Upon activation, you'll notice a venv folder appear in your project's root directory. This folder is where all your project-specific dependencies will reside, ensuring a clean separation from other projects and system-wide Python installations.

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Creating Your Project Structure

With your virtual environment ready, VSCode becomes a powerhouse for creating and managing your project files. You can easily create new Python scripts, organize your resources into folders, and manage your project's dependencies all within the VSCode interface. This level of integration simplifies the development process, allowing you to focus more on coding and less on managing your development environment.


Setting up and configuring VSCode for Python development is a straightforward process that pays dividends in efficiency and project organization. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating a productive development environment tailored to your project's needs. Remember, the key to successful software development lies in choosing the right tools and understanding how to leverage them effectively. Happy coding!

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