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Django REST Framework vs Flask REST Tools
BackEnd Development

Django REST Framework vs Flask REST Tools

REST Tools

Anastasiia Tsurkan

by Anastasiia Tsurkan

Backend Developer

Jan, 2024
3 min read

Django REST Framework vs Flask REST Tools

In the world of Python web development, Django and Flask are two of the most popular frameworks, each with its unique approach to building web applications. Django, known for its "batteries-included" philosophy, offers the Django REST Framework (DRF) for building robust APIs. On the other hand, Flask, appreciated for its simplicity and flexibility, relies on a combination of extensions for similar functionalities. This article will compare Django REST Framework's features with their Flask counterparts, providing insights into how each framework approaches REST API development.

Serializers vs. Marshmallow

In DRF, serializers play a crucial role in data serialization and deserialization. Flask achieves this through Marshmallow, an ORM/ODM/framework-agnostic library for object serialization and deserialization. Marshmallow not only offers similar functionality but also provides additional customization options, making it a powerful tool in Flask's ecosystem.

@api_view vs. @app.route

Django REST Framework uses the @api_view decorator to specify which HTTP methods a view can respond to. Flask achieves this through route decorators (e.g., @app.route('/endpoint', methods=['GET', 'POST'])). These decorators in Flask are straightforward, defining endpoints and their permissible HTTP methods.

APIView vs. Flask-Classful

Django's class-based views (APIView) offer a structured way to define views. Flask-Classful provides a similar feature, enabling developers to use classes for view definition, supporting RESTful request dispatching.

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Token Authentication vs. Flask-HTTPAuth/Flask-Security

For token-based authentication, DRF provides built-in support. Flask uses extensions like Flask-HTTPAuth or Flask-Security to introduce similar functionalities, ensuring secure API access.

Permissions vs. Flask-Principal

Permissions in DRF are crucial for access control. Flask-Principal offers comparable features in Flask, allowing fine-grained permissions management, akin to Django's permissions system.

Throttling vs. Flask-Limiter

To control request rates, DRF uses throttling. Flask-Limiter serves the same purpose in Flask, providing rate limiting to protect endpoints from being overwhelmed.

JWT vs. Flask-JWT-Extended

For JSON Web Token (JWT) support, DRF has extensions that facilitate its implementation (like djangorestframework-simplejwt). Flask-JWT-Extended is Flask's answer to JWT, offering token creation, expiration, and payload management.

API Tests vs. Flask-Testing + unittest

Django's framework includes robust testing capabilities for APIs. Flask, while not having a built-in equivalent, leverages Flask-Testing along with Python's unittest module to provide comprehensive testing tools.

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Blueprints (Flask) vs. Django Apps

Blueprints in Flask allow developers to organize their application into modular components. In Django, this modular approach is achieved through Django apps, each encapsulating a set of functionalities.

Flask-Smorest vs. Django REST Framework + drf-yasg/drf-spectacular

Flask-Smorest is used for building REST APIs with built-in Swagger/OpenAPI documentation. Django achieves this with DRF for API construction and drf-yasg or drf-spectacular for Swagger/OpenAPI documentation, providing a similar level of functionality.


Both Django and Flask offer robust solutions for building REST APIs, each with its approach and set of tools. Django, with its all-inclusive framework, provides an integrated experience, while Flask offers flexibility through its extensions. The choice between Django REST Framework and Flask's REST tools often comes down to personal preference and the specific requirements of the project at hand.

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