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Conviértete en un Desarrollador de Django | Codefinity

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Conviértete en un Desarrollador de Django
250 reseñas
Este tema es un curso educativo integral diseñado para enseñar los fundamentos y técnicas avanzadas de desarrollo web utilizando Django y otras tecnologías relacionadas.
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What you will learn
  • Understand SQL and its role in data management within database tables.
  • Become familiar with modern IDEs and their contribution to software development efficiency.
  • Gain proficiency in SQLite, including its operational functions and data types.
  • Develop abilities to perform CRUD operations to effectively manipulate database records.
  • 124 chapters
  • 13 hours
  • 93 tasks
Trusted by employees of leading companies
Learning track content
Module 1 / SQL in Python Projects
PyCharm es uno de los Entornos de Desarrollo Integrado (IDE) más populares y potentes para el lenguaje de programación Python. Tanto si eres un principiante como un desarrollador experimentado, PyCharm te ofrece la comodidad y funcionalidad necesarias para mejorar tu trabajo con Python. Independientemente de su nivel de experiencia, PyCharm le ayudará a elevar su programación en Python y a dar vida a sus ideas. Embarquémonos en este apasionante viaje al mundo de PyCharm.
Tanto si eres nuevo en el mundo de las bases de datos como si quieres dominar SQLite, este curso te enseñará lo esencial. Aprenderás la instalación, la gestión de datos y cómo utilizar SQLite de forma eficaz. Únase a nosotros para desbloquear el poder de SQLite para sus proyectos.
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) son las operaciones fundamentales para trabajar con bases de datos. Esta sección es su puerta de entrada al dominio de estas funciones básicas de bases de datos. En la sección "Operaciones CRUD", profundizaremos en la creación, recuperación, actualización y eliminación de datos en una base de datos. Adquirirás las habilidades necesarias para interactuar con bases de datos de manera efectiva, convirtiéndolas en una herramienta esencial para tu viaje de desarrollo de software.
¡Enhorabuena por haber llegado a la sección final de este curso! Has recorrido un largo camino para aprender y dominar los contenidos tratados. En esta sección final, resumiremos los puntos clave, reforzaremos sus conocimientos y le orientaremos sobre lo que puede hacer a continuación. Ha adquirido valiosas habilidades y conocimientos, y ahora es el momento de reflexionar sobre sus logros y explorar cómo aplicar eficazmente sus nuevos conocimientos.
Module 2 / HTML Definitivo
Explore el funcionamiento interno de la web. Aprenda cómo viajan los datos a través de las redes, descubra el papel de los protocolos y desentrañe los misterios de las direcciones IP y los nombres de dominio. Adquirir una comprensión de alto nivel de cómo los navegadores web y servidores se comunican para entregar contenido web.
El núcleo de la estructura de los documentos HTML. Conozca los componentes de un documento HTML, incluyendo la declaración doctype, head y body. Entender el propósito de cada elemento y cómo contribuyen a la estructura general de una página web.
Explore la versatilidad de los formularios HTML. Aprenda a diseñar formularios intuitivos y fáciles de usar aprovechando conceptos y técnicas clave. Descubra cómo los formularios permiten la interacción del usuario y el envío de datos en los sitios web.
Module 3 / Django: Build Your First Website
Esta sección sirve como punto de entrada en el mundo de Django, proporcionando una introducción completa al framework y los pasos iniciales para poner en marcha su viaje de desarrollo.
In this section, we'll create a simple program that sends text from the server to the user's page.
In this section, we will explore models, migrations, and other useful things needed when working with databases.
Esta sección del curso es fundamental para comprender los principios que subyacen en el marco Django y su distintiva arquitectura MVT (Modelo-Vista-Plantilla). Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de profundizar en el trabajo con bases de datos, utilizando Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), para garantizar un almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos eficiente.
En esta sección del curso, exploraremos ampliamente los principios del trabajo con plantillas en Django, un componente crucial para desarrollar aplicaciones web efectivas y visualmente atractivas.
En esta sección del curso, profundizaremos en los aspectos esenciales de la implementación de la funcionalidad de sitios en Django. Los participantes obtendrán una comprensión completa de la construcción de características dinámicas e interactivas para sus aplicaciones web.
Module 4 / Django REST Framework
We begin by understanding the fundamental concepts of RESTful API architecture, comparing Django to Django Rest Framework (DRF), and exploring JSON formatting. We'll also discuss the latest trends in web development and guide you through the installation and project setup process.
Serialization is a crucial aspect of building APIs. Here, we'll dive deep into serialization, exploring its importance, discussing various models, and understanding serializers in Django Rest Framework. Additionally, we'll cover built-in serializers for efficiency.
Next, we'll explore views and routers in DRF. We'll cover class-based views, their significance, and the built-in views provided by Django Rest Framework. Routers play a vital role in API routing, and we'll provide a comprehensive overview of how to utilize them effectively with DRF's API router.
Understanding HTTP request methods is essential for building robust APIs. We'll cover GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods, along with their practical applications. Additionally, we'll discuss HTTP response status codes and their significance in API development.
Module 5 / Docker for Python Developers
In this section, we'll explore the fundamental concepts of Docker - a powerful tool for managing containers. Understanding these concepts will help you gain a deeper insight into how Docker works and how to effectively utilize it in your software development and deployment processes.
This section will guide you step by step through the process of creating your first Dockerfiles - text files that contain instructions for automating the building of Docker images. You will learn how to create a Dockerfile for your application, including defining the base image, adding necessary components, configuring the environment, and installing dependencies.
The section titled "Docker for Flask Developers" offers an in-depth exploration of utilizing Docker for developing web applications based on the Flask framework for Python. In this section, you'll learn how to effectively use Docker to create, deploy, and manage Flask applications in an isolated and scalable container environment.
This section delves into Docker Compose, a tool designed to simplify the management of multi-container Docker applications. By utilizing Docker Compose, users can define and run multi-container Docker applications with ease, streamlining the process of container orchestration.
  1. A computer with a browser - all browsers are supported.
  2. Your enthusiasm to enhance your tech skills.
  3. Everything else needed to start learning and practicing is already included in this course.
Over 200,000 5-star ratings and counting
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience…
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides...
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience…
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides...
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
Data Engineer
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Muestra las habilidades que has adquirido recientemente. Te lo has ganado
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