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Курс Станьте React Розробником - Онлайн-навчання з сертифікатом

Станьте React Розробником

63 reviews
Опануйте мистецтво створення динамічних та інтерактивних користувацьких інтерфейсів для веб-додатків як досвідчений React-розробник. Якщо ви добре розумієте JavaScript, зосередитися на освоєнні React - мудрий вибір. Show more
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What you will learn
  • Build modern web applications using React, including components, props, and state management
  • Navigate between pages seamlessly with React Router and implement dynamic routing
  • Manage global state efficiently using Redux Toolkit for scalable applications
  • Develop full-stack applications with Next.js 14, including server-side rendering and API routes
  • Explore the basics of React Native to build cross-platform mobile applications
  • chapters
    171 chapters
  • hours
    27 hours
  • tasks
    119 tasks
Trusted by employees of leading companies
Learning track content
Module 1 / Опановуємо React
Отримайте розуміння основних принципів React. Ви дізнаєтесь про JSX (JavaScript XML), створення багаторазових компонентів інтерфейсу користувача та рендеринг елементів. Крім того, ви вивчите важливість збору даних та умовного рендерингу в React-додатках. Наприкінці цього розділу ви матимете міцний фундамент з основних концепцій React, що підготує вас до успіху в більш складних темах, які будуть розглянуті в наступних розділах.
Потужні можливості в сучасній React-розробці. Хуки революціонізують те, як ми пишемо функціональні компоненти, надаючи стислий та інтуїтивно зрозумілий спосіб керувати станом та виконувати побічні ефекти. І навпаки, контекст дозволяє нам обмінюватися даними через дерево компонентів без використання пропсів. Поєднання хуків та контексту дозволяє ефективно керувати станами та спрощує обмін даними в React-додатках.
Покрокове керівництво про те, як розпочати реальний React-проект. Від налаштування середовища розробки до розуміння організації проекту та критично важливих інструментів - ви отримаєте знання та впевненість, щоб розпочати свою подорож з React.
Module 2 / React Router Essentials
Learn the theoretical basics of concepts such as URL, domain, protocol, query parameters, and more. Understand the significance of routing in web applications and why we need the React Router library.
Explore using query strings for sharing and managing application state via URLs, work with different data types in query parameters, and leverage React Router for navigation and effects based on URL changes.
Module 3 / State Management with Redux Toolkit in React
Explore the fundamental concepts of state management and show you how to leverage the power of the Redux Toolkit. We will guide you through the installation process and help you create your first React Redux Toolkit project. Additionally, meet a challenge to test your understanding and skills.
Investigate Redux integration with React apps, covering core concepts: actions, reducers, and the Redux store. Includes practical examples and code explanations for configuring a store, creating reducers, and connecting React components via hooks like useSelector and useDispatch.
Supercharge your skills in state management. In this hands-on workshop, you tackle real-world challenges and gain practical experience using the Redux Toolkit for seamless application development.
Module 4 / Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps
Let's discuss what you need to learn before diving into the Next.js framework, what to expect from this course, and what you'll build.
Learn how to easily create and manage a new view for your app and navigate through all pages seamlessly with an incorporated routing system.
Deploy the Next.js app using GitHub and Vercel accounts. Additionally, establish a database to supply the app with the necessary data.
Module 5 / Foundations of React Native
The comprehensive introduction to React Native outlines the prerequisites and course objectives and offers guidance on efficient learning practices. Understand what to expect from the course and how to approach the learning journey effectively.
Explore advanced aspects of React Native development, covering crucial topics such as Input handling, StatusBar, ActivityIndicators, and more. Dive deep into practical techniques for building sophisticated mobile applications.
  1. A computer with a browser - all browsers are supported.
  2. Your enthusiasm to enhance your tech skills.
  3. Everything else needed to start learning and practicing is already included in this course.
Over 200,000 5-star ratings and counting
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience…
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience…
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
Certificate of Completion
Data Engineer
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Основи Java

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Python Beyond Intermediate

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Full Stack Веб Розробка

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